Thursday 26 December 2019

Restaurant staff / guest paging system

Improve customer service with SignalGrid Paging / Guest Paging system

Quickly alert your staff and visitors with the handheld pager. Reaching waiting guests, customers, or patients has never been easier with the help of our latest, sustainable solution. SIGNALGRYD has designed and optimized these guest pagers to enable your staff to deliver superior guest experience and provide top-of-the-line service. Because our handheld pagers are wireless and work anywhere on a base, you give visitors the freedom to roam and use their facilities.

Kitchen staff paging

The Guest Calling Paging system is the perfect solution for general, affordable and restaurants, food courts, coffee shops and bars. Our guest calling paging system supports the idea of ​​guests wishing to improve their dining experience, allowing customers to roam freely with our guest calling paging system.

Professional Restaurant Paging

The Staff Calling Paging system is the perfect solution for general, affordable and restaurants, food courts, coffee shops and bars. Our guest calling paging system supports guests' desire to improve their dining experience, and customers can now roam freely with our guest calling paging system.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Why Emergency Alert and Paging System are Important

Emergency preparedness can mean the difference between life and death for your employees and customers in an emergency situation. Whether an emergency is a medical, safety, security or weather event, the ability to promptly and clearly inform emergency personnel and verbally coordinate the appropriate action plan is essential to ensure everyone's safety.

Emergency alert and emergency paging systems are an integral part of any facility's emergency preparedness plan. Building system solutions. Systems designed by Solutions are capable of delivering very sensible emergency messages and tones to employees and customers in the event of an evacuation or other emergency. Contact us today for more information.

In addition to their assigned functions as emergency communication devices, our Emergency Alert and Paging systems are capable of playing background music and broadcasting important announcements during normal business days. Call us on +65 3159 1818 or fill out the contact form for more information.

Sunday 17 November 2019

What is the kitchen calling system and what are its benefits?

In today's competitive restaurant markets, service is more and more important. Customers need excellent service.

How you can improve the service, One of the most important is the kitchen service and then the customer service, or the kitchen customer directly.

Let's check out SIGNALGRYD Wireless Kitchen Calling System

First, we need to know what the kitchen calling system is.

The kitchen calling system adopts wireless technology, combining waiters and chefs. They are widely used in the kitchen when their meals are ready so they can reach out to serve the staff. The kitchen calling system is a paging device that allows you to easily call a server to send out food, thus creating a more seamless service environment. This system helps you become more productive, reducing the misuse between kitchen and serving staff, as well as preventing the use of cold food. No need to yell to create a pleasant atmosphere, enhance the restaurant's image, and improve your business.

Its Benefits:

  • Chefs do not need to scream to a waiter to get food for their customers. 
  • Servers do not have to worry about not being able to serve food on time. 
  • The server can be easily avoided by the wristwatch pager-vibrate, flash, and beeping. 
  • Improves system timely table service. 
  • It also helps to bring in more customers as the atmosphere becomes more comfortable. 
  • It helps increase revenue and profits.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Paging Systems are important for every small or large business

Paging systems are important to almost every business or organization. It doesn't matter what your business is; A school, hospital, retail, a government building, a worship house, candy factory or small office.

Regardless of the size or complexity of your office, an intercom or overhead paging system will allow you to notify your employees and customers, quickly and efficiently, without disturbing other departments. When not using the system for paging. Your customers have the option of listening to quiet overhead music.

See why more and more companies use Custom Communications Nications Inc. Depends on the only installation and design company that relies on time and budget to complete the work.

Right overhead paging can improve security efficiency and streamline your operations by integrating with your entire office or plant. Get information for an employee, multiple employees, or the entire company with the touch of a button. Over-head paging systems can also be configured to provide a "talk-back system" that enables a person to respond to the paging. When it comes to setting up a paging system, Custom Communications Inc. Has the job knowledge, skills and experience. Paging issues in retail stores and other large businesses can be very challenging; especially as it relates to cabling issues

Our services will save you money and you will know that the most qualified team is with you.

We provide the following paging options:

Emergency Paging Systems
Indoor / outdoor paging systems
Paging system for hotels, restaurants, cafes and more...

Sunday 27 October 2019

Restaurant Paging System Singapore | SIGNALGRYD

With food and drinks being first-hand goods, restaurants and coffee shops strive to provide better services to meet customers' high expectations. Successful guests compete to provide value as a key factor affecting the perception and preference of business customers. Price is measured not just by the quality of the food, but by the quality of the most important ambience and service that a restaurant can offer. Delivery value is achieved by investing in the restaurant's infrastructure and streamlining the underlying business processes. This is done by investing in interior design, decoration and state of the art equipment to provide high quality and comfort.

The hospitality business is all about service, and service depends on communication and perception. This is why it is important for business owners to look for new ways to better communicate with their customers while managing restaurant resources efficiently. The wireless bell system achieves both goals, to please customers and reduce wastage. By setting up a wireless bell system, restaurant owners can ensure that their customers can easily access restaurant waiters whenever they want. Some restaurants and coffee shops have gone beyond this by providing wireless hand PDAs to their staff to manage and track guest orders. Combined with the wireless bell system, it will speed up the order process and improve order tracking and accounting.

The waiter call bell system is very easy and can be installed within 5 minutes; the system package includes an operation manual that will guide you step-by-step through the installation of a display screen on the wall using the screws included in the package. Explain how to fix a bell on a table. Usually all the bells come with a double sided sticker, the bells are factory pre-programmed with unique numbers. The bell number described in the operation manual can be changed easily.